👋 Welcome to Sjmelck

where the collective wisdom of engineering minds finds its voice! 🗣️🧠👩‍💻👨‍💻

Good day fellow blog-explorer! Welcome to Sjmelck, a blog aimed at providing content on many different topics, Here at Sjmelck we aim to provide readers with interesting topics from:

  • Learning-based methods (read: statistical learning, machine learning, and deep learning)
  • Signal processing
  • Python
  • Optimisation
  • Basically everything else.

This blog, at every point in time, is run by Ryan Balshaw, Douw Marx, Johann Bouwer, and Justin Smith.

We are definitely looking for new members/contributors, so if you feel you have something to add please join us! We appreciate any form on knowledge transfer, so get involved!

Calvin and Hobbes - Relative velocity

Imagine a random image loader (https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2007/11/22), maybe one day.

Some important links for future work:
Click me!